We are announcing an international seminar: NATURE AND CHILDREN KNOW NO BONDS

In cooperation with Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland and Slovenian forest kindergartens and schools, the Institute for Forest Pedagogics invites you to a two-day international seminar NATURE AND CHILDREN KNOW NO BOUNDS.

Over the last decade, the Scottish government and other national organisations have prepared a vision, strategies and many action plans that help teachers, children and adolescents to develop outdoor learning, especially in natural environments.

Outdoor and Woodland Learnig Scotland is dedicated to increasing the use of Scotland’s outdoor environments for learning. Learning outdoors, be in playgrounds, towns, cities, parks or our stunning natural environments, actively engages young people and connects their broader learning with the world around them. OWL Scotland is supported by Forestry Commision Scotland and evolved out of the Forest Education Initiative (FEI) which has run successfully for over 20 years. This time, our knowledge and experience will be strengthened further by the Scottish experts Sally York and Bonnie Maggio.



Mrs. SALLY YORK, Education Policy Advisor

As a child being outside was an important part of her world and ‘A’ level fieldwork trips inspired her as one of the best ways of learning as it connected learning at school with what happened in the real world! A degree in Human Ecology followed by a PGCE in Environmental Science. She taught biology and general science at secondary level and gained Qualified Teacher Status. She left teaching in the classroom to work with The Conservation Volunteers schools programme in the Bath/Bristol area which provided practical skills to complement the teaching skills. She moved to the Field Studies Council at Epping Forest Conservation Centre (London) and over the next 7 years spent time at 2 other centres, Juniper Hall (North Downs) and Malham Tarn (Yorkshire Dales) as a biology/ geography field tutor teaching 8 – 80 year olds outside.

For the last 24 years she has worked for the Forestry Commission, initially covering GB on Education matters, including the development of the Forest Education Initiative and supporting the growth of Forest School. After Forestry Policy was devolved in 2003 she moved to Forestry Commission Scotland developing Forest School and Forest Kindergarten, expanding the work of Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland and working with partners (government, third sector and others) to encourage the wider use of woods, and local greenspace, for learning and play.

She lives near Edinburgh, with her husband, children, 2 cats with space for a wee dog.

Mrs. BONNIE MAGGIO, Outdoor & Woodland Learning Manager

She has spent all of her working life involved with environmental education and training for outdoor learning. Her role with the Forestry Commission Scotland is that of Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland Manager. Her work involves organising and running training for practitioners, running networking opportunities, developing resources, and giving advice and support. Previously she was a National Advisor on Environmental Education with Scottish Natural Heritage for many years which was a similar role but covering all aspects of the environment.

She lives in a village in the countryside of Scotland in an area famous for its beautiful trees, woods and forests and enjoys getting out and about in nature on a regular basis through various activities including walking, cycling, swimming and fishing.

Mag. Natalija Gyӧrek 25.04.2018